
Archive for June, 2014

Berthold Vöcking, a leading researcher in algorithmic game theory and chair of the 2013 Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, sadly passed away on June 11th. Tim Roughgarden gave the following apt remarks before a moment of silence was held in commemoration of Berthold at ACM-EC two weeks ago:

Berthold was a phenomenal problem-solver, and he made numerous
contributions across many subfields of algorithmic game theory. To
name just a few, his celebrated paper with Czumaj resolved the price
of anarchy in the Koutsoupias-Papadimitriou scheduling model, the
model in which the POA was originally defined. His early work in
algorithmic mechanism design (e.g., with Briest and Krysta), which I
regularly teach in my classes, demonstrated the richness of the design
space for single-parameter problems. His work with Skopalik and
others characterized the computational complexity of computing
equilibria in congestion games. He was an exceptionally strong

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